Below you will find a collection of videos for training the syllabus we do in class. We have both the advanced and beginners syllabus to help all of our students. We hope you enjoy the videos.
Week One
Defend Throat Grab - which is on
Week Two
Defend Throat Grab - Before it is on
Week Three
Defend Head Lock
Week Four
Defend Waist Grab
Week Five
Defend Leg Grab
1. Step to the outside and passing pak (fingers down – after you sir), 3 palms, kick
Week Six
Defend Bear Hug
Week 7
Flow Drills
Beginner/Intermediate Drills
Appropriate Sentences
Single, double, triple
Punching Drill:
3 high, 2 high, 2 low
Then 2 of each
Arrow step forward, backward, side to side
With punches – single and triple
Week One
Defend Throat Grab - which is on
1. Palm through the middle x3
Defend Throat Grab - which is on
2. Dummy Escape
Week Two
Defend Throat Grab - Before it is on
1. Chun Kiu – (if before the elbow) – bend to Lan, turn, fak, pak palm(Chang), follow with knee/kick
defend throat grab
3. Push Away
Defend Throat Grab - Before it is on
2. Chun Kiu – (if after the elbow) – bend to Lan, turn, double Jum but more like chopping, follow with knee/kick
Week Three
Defend Head Lock
1. Step to them, hip to their hip, double palm like a slap, the back of their head and face, push away (palm), hammer fist throat, body, groin
Defend Head Lock
2. Step 45 degrees and press head in
Week Four
Defend Waist Grab
1. Double Kau – staying on inside – knee /kick, palm x3
Defend Waist Grab
3. High and low Guan
Defend Waist Grab
2. Double Kau – moving to outside by rotating the left Kau to high Gaun/jum, low kick, palm x 3
Week Five
Defend Leg Grab
1. Step to the outside and passing pak (fingers down – after you sir), 3 palms, kick
Defend leg grab
2. Kick leg back, turn 180 and kick with the other leg (arm destruction)
Week Six
Defend bear hug
1. Sink body shoulders – elbow/punch over your shoulder, step behind
defend bear hug
defend bear hug
Week 7
Flow Drills
Leadership Drills
Appropriate sentences
Chum Kiu:
1st part, following with me
Single, double triple
Punching Drill:
3 high
2 high , 2 low
High, high, low
Then 2 of each
Arrow step forward, backward, side to side
With punches – single and triple
Circling forward and back step
Parallel step
Zig Zag step